'Can I tell you a story?'
What..? Did I just hear it or was I imagining things?
'It's about internal organs...'
Oh! Now I get it! Internal organs- 'the wonderful things inside our body'!! His new fad! A brief introduction recently by his class teacher had raised the interest and hit the curiosity button! The science encyclopedia which we bought for him a few days back further fueled this passion. So much so that, this son of mine who would pester me every night for a bedtime story, is now ready for a voluntary story telling session. All for the love of internal organs!!
'OK, go ahead', I say.
'Good, there is a boy. Not a common boy, a very special boy. He has five brains, eight hearts, ten kidneys, three livers...'
'Only three livers?'
'Yep, that's enough to produce all the bile juice and other things for digestion. OK now, three livers, one kilo meter of small intestine, half a kilo meter of large intestine, two appendices....
'Appendix is vestigial. you don't need even one, why two?'
'But everyone has appendix. This boy is special, so he has two'. Tone sounds irritated.., 'you should not talk while listening, OK'
'So... twenty lungs, five pancreas.... did I say ten kidneys? Yes, I said that, but no bladder...'
'What? ten kidneys and no bladder? Then that boy will have to remain in toilet all the time!'
'No, no toilet in this story. OK, he has five bladders'
'So, what are these extra organs for?'
'Remember, he is a special kind of boy! He can change his form into anything! He can become superman, spider man, Ra. One, G. One... or Mahatma Gandhi!!'
Now where in the world does Mahatma Gandhi fit in this story? I don't know. I don't even bother to ask, my eyes are busy pulling the shutter! But I faintly sense that the story about 'internal organs' goes on and on for next half an hour.... NON STOP!!
In the morning, I find him sleeping cozily at a corner of the bed, clutching on to my legs. I gently hug him and give a peck on cheek. I can hear the rhythm of his heartbeat. A subtle smile appears on his lips. 'Oh, so the internal organs are recognizing the mother organs!'
I smile back and proceed for my morning duties with one content internal organ beating a happy note.